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Dear Trinity Family and Friends,


 The church will comply with orders from the governor, CDC and the Greater NJ Methodist Conference. The safety of our church family is crucial; we think you will find these rules helpful and easy to work with:

Masks are now optional

Important: Please don't come to church if you are feeling ill or have a fever.

Parking will be as usual.

The main doors will be open, so nobody needs to touch door knobs; no entry through side entrances. Main doors will be closed after service starts if needed on hot or cold days. Greeters will open doors for additional people.


Hymnals and Bibles will be in the pews.

Prayer requests and pens are available in the pew.

Hand sanitizer dispenser will be in narthex; you may also bring your own if you wish.  


Rest rooms will be open, kept clean and hand soap available.

We welcome young people and will have a children's message each week.  Sunday school is available

Coffee hour is every week before and after the service in the church hall



Trinty United Methodist Church     20 North Shore Road        Marmora, New Jersey 08223         609-390-3248

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