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Events & Happenings
Traditional Sunday Service in the Sanctuary at 10:00 AM. Praise and Worship Service on the second & fourth Sundays at 10:00 AM live on Facebook. Available as video on this website & YouTube at Trinity United Methodist Church Marmora NJ
Praise & Prayer Service Wednesdays at 5:45 PM. Bring a notebook
CANCELLED FEBRUARY 5th - Choir Practice Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM
Veterans Valentine Collection: Benefits veterans residing at the Memorial Veterans Home in Vineland and Meadowview Veterans Unit in Northfield. Info in the narthex. Items must be at church by Sunday February 9th
Pastor's Vacation January 27 - February 13
Preachers: Rev. Jana Purkis Brash (DS) Feb 2nd
Chris Hayes (Lay Servant) Feb 9th
February 2nd Communion Offering will go toward helping the California fire victims. You can give then or any Sunday in February
Church Council Meeting with Rev. Jana Purkis Brash after church Sunday February 2nd
Outreach Committee Meeting Monday February 3rd at 7:00 PM will be on Zoom. Contact Amy for invite
Women's Study on Hymns of the Church starting February 5th at 10:00 AM. All are Welcomed, you don't need to be a member of this church to attend
SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY February 9th. Please bring in cans of Soup. This is our annual drive to help the needy. You can also vote for your favorite Super Bowl Team
Upper Cape Men's Breakfast - Trinity men will be hosting the Men's Breakfast on Saturday February 15th at 8 AM. See Doug
Coastal Plains Regional Day of Learning Saturday February 22nd 8:30 AM - 12 PM at Hope UMC 700 Cooper Rd Voorhees NJ 08043. Click here for the GNJUMC webpage with course descriptions and as well as online registering
Cans & Cards Mission for the Neighborhood Food Bank. Bring in canned and non-perishable foods or donate a ShopRite card
Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed - Signup Sheet in Narthex -See Lynn
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